Saturday, January 20, 2007

Crossover Dance Hits

"Its nice and warm in here": A Tall Man

When some new people bought, gutted, installed a deli counter and metal shelves in the bodega across the street and called themselves organic, I didn't worry. The off-the-cuff enigmatic is automatic. I mumble and don't allow my yearning to boast. I needed light bulbs: 60 or 70 watt for the soul kitchen. More smug than thug. Late but not later. Near zero, but the girl was amphetamine, a greatest hits package of profanity, stubbornly relatively playful in just jeans and t-shirt asked me if I am her baby's father. I missed the child support payments. I ordered the 100 watt bulb. A dollar each. Two bulbs. She said your gonna see more than you want to. I said, i live in new york i always see more than i want to. My ever influential genius.