Friday, February 9, 2007

The Restless Density

"This cat is too hot to tango": Taylor Mead

Was it a split lip? And the typical values for a resting, healthy adult human are approximately 120 mmHg systolic and 80 mmHg diastolic which meant the reading light faced the curtains. The radiator was speaking in a language I did not understand. I called once, twice, "three" the movie where a millionaire and his wife are shipwrecked after a yachting accident with their former servant, Manuel. I resemble nothing so much as a sentence hacked out of speech, a reproduction of the axe within reach. that was a quote. The quotes were left next to the hurray for the former servant, Manuel! The brutality was nothing new the haggle for dark threats was a burning poof. I lovey love you.

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